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Driving the energy transition with smart monitoring: How start-up Solytic is making solar energy more efficient with Azure

From its inception to today, Solytic has been proud to be a part of the Microsoft for Startups program as from the first installation to the many in the future, they have helped develop the startup into a real solution for anyone looking for top of the line solar monitoring. Throughout this journey, Solytic have continued to develop their product with the help of Microsoft in one that is currently used in more than 140,000 PV systems in over 60 countries across the globe. By providing licences for office, developer tools, and analytics tools such as Power BI, Microsoft has provided the Berlin start-up with the support and freedom to test all kinds of technologies in pursuit of developing a scalable product with the capability to handle large volumes of data. Not only has Microsoft helped in the development of such a scalable product, it has also been an integral part of creating a product with uptime speed, reliability, and data security that does not compromise anything for its customers when it comes to quality. 


A major part of this process has been the partnership with Azure cloud platform, providing Solytic with a cloud infrastructure that thanks to the integrated functionalities ensures provision, maintenance, and availability all with a minimum of personnel. Solytic continues their journey with Microsoft, now progressing into the FastTrack programs that will continue to help the start-up flourish into the next phase for them.

Read the full interview about the cooperation on Microsoft’s blog.


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