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Top European solar PV O&M companies ranking

Throughout the different scopes of solar PV monitoring, we have decided to segment an important facet of our market and provide you with a ranking of the top solar O&M companies across Europe.

Operations and Maintenance plays a big part in the solar landscape and we have therefore ranked the top operations across Europe in terms of their capacity in MWp.

In an ever-growing market, Solar O&M operations continue to expand year by year, in coherence with the general demand for solar energy, as in 2020 the growth of newly installed solar power increased by 11% (18.2 GW).

Operations and Maintenance operations are of significant importance within the market as they assure the functionality and efficiency of the solar plants, as well as scheduling and executing any preventive or predictive maintenance.

Since 2009, we have been monitoring the central European market as well as international companies that move the solar market. The market is permanently changing due to M&A activities, insolvencies or market entries of new financially strong players, and this remains true in the O&M segment.
As more innovative players enter the market, there is a constant flow of technological improvement, as well as market expansion.

As a result, we have decided to share our knowledge and experience on the topic, opening the floor to any feedback or comments regarding this ranking or any other solar-related issues. If you want your company added to the ranking or update your entry, please use this form.



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