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The energy transition can only succeed with digital SMEs Berlin: Solytic and Kwest are launching the “solarOS” initiative in the German solar market to strengthen installation companies and support them in their digitalization. The solar industry is changing With a lot of venture capital, powerhouses such as 1Komma5°, Zolar, and Enpal are being built up,...
by Johannes Burgard

Ensun Interview with our CEO Johannes Burgard: Can PV Monitoring optimize solar installations?

In this interview, our CEO Johannes Burgard discusses the crucial importance of utilizing PV monitoring software for the efficient operation of photovoltaic systems and provides insights into the future development of this field. Ensuring a global perspective on innovative suppliers, technologies, products, and services, ensun serves as a B2B search engine. Through advanced algorithms, the...
by Mario Kuban

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How a new data platform business could energize a 110-year-old...

Like other energy companies, Sweden’s Vattenfall, one of Europe’s largest producers of electricity and heat, is grappling with smaller margins, increased competition and adapting an asset-heavy business to a...
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